Tuesday, September 24, 2013

photoshop lesson #1

Encyclopedia entries #3
Music: Music means a lot to me it helps me concentrate when I cant and makes me feel better when i'm in my worst moods, and even makes me feel sad when i'm in my happiest. My stereo in my room is always on except for when my mom tells me turn it off, when i'm the only one home I turn it on full blasts and sing my lungs out even though i'm not good at singing.
Colors: Colors mean so much to me, without colors our lives would be so plain just black and white? what would be like without the yellow sun and blue sky? or the green grass and red roses? I cant even imagine it. Or maybe I just don't want to.  

Friday, September 13, 2013

Poem for Two Voices by Symi and Callie

Morning Girl
Star Boy
I like mornings

I like night

We choose family over everything

I’m more quite than others

I’m very outgoing

We both help around the house

People treat me with respect

Our family expects a lot out of us
People still treat me like a kid

I was excited for a new sister

I wasn’t excited for a new sister

We like to be alone

I like to be independent

I like for people to notice me

We share a lot of things in common 

Friday, September 6, 2013

One beautiful day after school my friend Callie came over and wanted to hold my very fluffy, soft, gray, girl, chinchilla named Chai, and since she always did when she comes over I said sure, she was doing her 'circus' acts with Chai, (holding Chai on her head) which kinda scared me so I told Callie to put her back in her  cage (that really needed to be cleaned) but Callie refused so I had the most 'wonderful' idea to make a leash for Chai which was just a string with one end of the string tied to her waist and the other tied to her cage, not a very good idea cause when I went to the bathroom and came back she was loose, after yelling at Callie for about 5 minutes I locked her in the cage and went looking for Chai, great, she was under my bed, the messiest part in my room, this was gonna be hard since Chai was so fast and could hop super high, after fighting with Chai for almost an hour I was exhausted and beat up, I think Chai thought it was game, she still wanted to get loose but no way was that happening anytime soon, i took laughing Callie out of the cage and put Chai back in, even though it was so hard it still a funny memory that I will always remember.    
The beach means so much to me, it is a place of relaxation and fun, I go everyday after  school and swim in the ocean even if the waves are big I still go, it is so fun to me, I absolutely love the beach,  I go there just to think about things and play on the rocks or tan or swim or all three.
Pictures mean a lot to me they are a way of keeping the best and funniest memory's even the sad ones,  plus its really fun to take them and then look at them later, the best feeling is getting the perfect picture at the perfect time.